Welcome to My Psychic Blog

Hi my name is Margo and I would like to welcome you to my psychic blog. I know a lot of you may not believe in Psychic abilities, but did you know we are all born with them? Each one of us has an inner knowing that we often do not trust.

I have always been interested in Psychic abilities and psychic stuff. When I was a little girl I often felt surrounded by angels and was over come with emotion easily. I didn’t know then I was picking up on other’s feelings and carrying around as my own. It was very hard for most of my life  until I began to learn more about empathy and psychic skills.

I began working on a few psychic lines only to hear that I was being “Too nice.” and to try to keep clients on the phone longer so the companies could benefit. It truly upset me because when answers come from Spirit sometimes they come very fast and I was honest even though I need to make money myself. 

I decided to try to work on my own because I can’t cry over another “Boss” telling me to “Just make up something.” 

So here I am and I look forward to talking to you. I am a real person and my motto is I want to be better than a best friend, meaning I really care what you are concerns are.

I look forward to reading with you,


Visualizing what you want

Sometimes when we try to daydream we pull out of it suddenly. We think that it was a silly idea even though we were smiling when we opened our eyes.

If you visualize what you would like to happen in your life with enough feeling in a way you are a writing a script for what you want in your life.

The first thing is to stop the negative self talk. Don’t be telling yourself that visualizing is silly or a waste of time. You don’t have to tell yourself anything.

Take a few deep breaths and close your eyes. Imagine that what you would is before you and feel the feelings you would feel if this was taking place. It is very important you feel whatever emotions that come to the surface. 

An example : You haven’t seen someone you love in a long time. Imagine you run into him or her. What it feel like. Imagine this scene everyday for five minutes. Ask your angels to help bring you this daydream and see what unfolds!!!

This would work the same on a new house, car or job just visualize all you can as if you are living in that moment.


I haven’t felt psychic lately

I haven’t felt psychic lately. I don’t know where my “ABILITY” has gone. On the psychic lines I work for no one is really calling which isn’t helping me either.

Ebay, no one is buying readings, I do n’t know where everyone has gone. I haven’t given up my hopes of one day being a psychic. I know if you read books it helps, but being psychic is something they say that you either are or you are not and they also have said (EVERYONE IS!) So, where is my abilities?

I sit with my pendulum and ask away. Lately, I have been frustrated because it says people love me who are being total jerks to me. CAN I TRUST THE PENDULUM? How can it be correct if in real life the people I am asking about are just totally mean to me?

I am needing advice here girls 🙂 Can’t wait to get it ! MargoImage

Changing yet again

I am sitting in front of the air conditioner, I have orange-ish blonde hair let us call it strawberry blonde.I have done this before so I am not in shock it looks alright…I had a weight watchers frozen omelet for breakfast.I don’t have much to say and I think I about deleting my blog. I need a private life or  make another blog and use fake names ..I mean even more fake names. yesterday was a bad day. Mr. Tall may be out of my life. He hurt my feelings I was chatting to him on skype when he types “You need to grow the f up.” This was just because I had called him and he was ignoring my calls which is his protocol.I was emotionally drained and told him off. I went to the movies, but I kept thinking how can someone you are so kind to talk so bad to you? I went to the bathroom and stood against the bathroom stall and cried. I wasn’t really crying over Mr. Tall. I was crying because I miss Mr. Morrocco. He was tender and nice and I am afraid maybe I will never see him again. I was hurt also because every time I told my teen to stop texting in the movie she said “Shut up.” I told her “Don’t say that.” Because sadly I can’t get a switch to her behind like we got in Kentucky.So there I was in the bathroom. I put my video on of Mr. Morrocco saying Hi to me on the beach and I cried some more. I shoved my phone in my bag and washed my face and walked back into the dark theatre. I came home and I guess I called Liz and I tried to do a psychic call, but every thing I told the person he was like “No, nothing like that…” I went to bed and had a dream that this cute Turkish Guy I know from a social net work had a white Limo and he kissed me, he told me we would go out. I saw him kiss another girl who had befriended me in the dream. I ran to look for my husband for comfort and he says “I cheated on you.” I woke up then just like in a movie. Now, I have to go and wash the dishes and try to deal with my hair its very short and Its okay with me, just wish I was 100 pounds thinner right now but shall discuss that in my other blog ! I welcome friendship.


Is it cool to call in the Spirit Guides?

Since I have been reading about psychic ability I found that the term Sprit guides …a spirit guide is a “guide” that came with you since birth to help you out on the earthly plane.I would like to think of Spirit guides as the same thing as my guardian angel.What is the difference between our intuition and a Spirit guide then? UGH…We could go on and on guys. Call it What you will, it’s that Inner knowing that helps us out on a day to day basis. So all  this, the spirit guides, gaurdian angels all are part of you and Intuition.

So, is it cool for us to sit around with our eyes closed asking for help? Sure it is.You can call on GOD alone if you feel it strange to ask angels for guidance. I keep reading that many people disagree we should ask the angels for help because someone wrote it “is wrong to ask from help from the angels as God is the creator.” So whatever religion you have, what ever ideas you have, just go with what feels best.  the main thing is to go sit somewhere quite and breathe in and out and let your mind empty. When you let go of though that is when the information should start coming.

You can close your eyes and imagine you go into this beautiful room and in this room you will meet your guide who has known you since birth. What will he or she look like? What will they say? It will be a happy reunion, don’t be afraid. Once you acknowledge your guide or guides they will be more open in helping you out.

You are not fooling yourself when you tell yourself you have a guide that is helping you.We all have heard of guardian angels right? So, just feel better knowing you are not alone.You don’t have to tell yourself you are losing it if you start to believe in the energies that are here to help us. Since I started acknowledging my psychic gifts I often go back and fourth with this convo…

“AM I Weird?” 

“NO You are gifted…”



I think it is cool to believe in something besides just technology and sales at the mall.


Curly haired beach girl

I haven’t written in a while did anyone miss me? Oh How we love to ask that question ! I have a new hairstyle “on” I feel so fun and “beachy” I love my fake hair, I am really hoping Someday I can be more accepting to the fact I don’t like my ‘homegrown hair” It has suffered alot of colorings, cuttings but the fact is I am much happier with wigs to be honest because I can change my look whenever I want and since I am very dramatic maybe it is for the best just to be honest.My life has changed some. Mr. Morrocco has came back and says he still loves me he is so sweet and I cried so much when he wasn’t talking to me. Mr. Tall is really abusive and has some thing wrong with him, he told me he hasn’t conatcted me because he was too busy “F” ing his girlfriend. I hated him from that second the filth and the disrepect he never deserved one ounce of my love and it is sad because I always was so romantic and believed God had sent him to me blah blah.Maybe God sent him to me because he wanted to straighten Mr. Tall up to show him love but it did not help anything at all. I am enjoying doing psychic readings on Ebay and I wish I could have my own buisness and work from home. I am confused again about love because I love my husband so much but I remember things he said during that “one terrible” incidient and I so much want to be passionate and playful and be myself before I die off…okay..so curly hair beach girl wishes you all a happy Friday ! MargoImage